Ernst Wolff


Membre correspondantCentre d'étude des mouvements sociaux

► professeur à l'Institut supérieur de philosophie de la KU Leuven / Membre correspondant du CEMS

Spécialisations et domaines de recherches

Phenomenologie et herméneutique

Philosophie sociale et politique

Philosophie africaine (surtout l'herméneutique philosophique africaine)

Théorie sociale

Philosophie de la responabilité



♦ “‘Technology’ as the critical social theory of human technicity”. Forthcoming in Journal of Philosophical Research in 2016

♦ ”Responsibility to struggle – responsibility for peace. Course of Recognition and a recurrent pattern in Ricoeur’s political thought”. Philosophy & Social Criticism 41/1, pp. 771-790.

♦ “Ricoeur et Giddens: l’herméneutique de l’homme capable et la théorie de structuration”. Etudes Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies  5/2, 2014, pp. 105-127.

♦ “Hermeneutics and the capabilities approach. A thick heuristic tool for a thin normative standard of well-being. Practices of spatial arrangement as example”. South African Journal of Philosophy 33/4, 2014 (special edition: Happiness), pp 487-500.

♦ “Compétences et moyens de l’homme capable à la lumière de l’incapacité”. Etudes Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 4/2, 2013, pp. 50-63

♦ “Reform and crises. Notes and questions on the condition of the Human and Social Sciences in South Africa and beyond”. Theoria 60/135, June 2013, pp. 62-82.

♦ “Tegnologie as kritiese sosiale teorie (Technology as critical social theory)”. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 52/1, March 2012, pp. 36-51.     

♦ “Responsibility and technics in Levinas and Jonas: Two strategies in response to the disorientation of ethics in the modern world”. Philosophy Today, May 2011, pp. 127-143  

♦ “Poiesis. Oor maaksels en hul wêreld na aanleiding van Versfeld se Pots and poetry(Poiesis. On creations and their world with reference to Versfeld’s Pots and poetry)”. Tydskrif vir letterkunde48/1, Autumn 2011, pp. 206-215.

♦ “Rethinking the conditions for inter-cultural interaction. A commentary on Levinas’ Humanism of the Other”. Taiwan Journal for South East Asian Studies7/2, December 2010, pp. 113-147. (Special issue: The interaction between self and the others in the age of globalization)

♦ “Le mal, le destin et l'éthique. Lévinas et le Voyage au bout de la nuit de Céline (Evil, fate and ethics. Levinas and Céline’s Voyage au bout de la nuit)”. Etudes littéraires41/2, 2010, pp. 133-145

♦ “Technicity of the body as part of the socio-technical system: the contributions of Mauss and Bourdieu”. Theoria76, 2010, pp. 167-187.

♦ “The quest for a post-metaphysical access to the human. From Marcel to Heidegger”. Journal of the British SocietyforPhenomenology41/2, May 2010, pp. 132-149.

♦ “Selfkennis, verstandigheid en inkarnasie. ’n Interpretasie van Versfeld se Oor gode en afgode (Self knowledge, prudence and incarnation. An interpretation of Versfeld’s Oor gode en afgode)”. LitNet Akademies7/2, 2010, pp. 257-279.

♦ “The quest for justice versus the rights of the other?”, Sofia Philosophical ReviewIII/2, 2009, pp. 69-78.

♦ “The State and politics in a post-colonial, global order. Reconstruction and criticism of a Levinasian perspective”. SA Publiekreg/ Public Law24/2, 2009, pp. 352–369.[Thematic issue: "States of Statelessness: Politicide and constitution in the African Postcolony]

♦ “Tegniek as bemiddeling tussen lewensritme en kosmiese ritme? (Technology as mediation between the rhythm of life and cosmic rhythm?)”. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa5/2, December 2009, pp. 175-189.

♦ “Responsibility in an era of modern technology and nihilism, Part 2. Inter-connection and implications of the two notions of responsibility in Jonas”. Dialogue. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48/4, 2009, pp. 841–866.

♦ “Responsibility in an era of modern technology and nihilism, Part 1. A non-foundational re-reading of Jonas”. Dialogue. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48/3, 2009, pp. 577-599

♦ “Attention and technologies of the body. A lesson from John Chrysostom”. Theology and the Church in South Africa1/1, July 2009, pp. 53-66

♦ “Aspects of technicity in Heidegger’s early philosophy: rereading Aristotle’s techné and hexis”. Research in Phenomenology38/3 2008, pp. 317–357

♦ “The constellation subject-women-God in the ethics of Levinas”. Journal for Semitics16/2 2007, pp. 587-603

♦ “Giving up your place in history. The “position” of Levinas in philosophy and Jewish thought”. Journal for Semitics16/1 2007, pp. 180-193.

♦ “Levinas, lecteur de Husserl (Levinas, reader of Husserl)”. Studia Philosophia2/2006 (appeared 2007), pp. 127-144.

♦ “Mediologie en hermeneutiek (Mediology and hermeneutics)”. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe47/1 March 2007, pp. 81-94

♦ “Hominisation and humanisation: a perspective from the sociology of technics”. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa2/2, December 2006, pp. 231-248. [Thematic issue: Humankind at the intersection of Nature and Culture]

♦ “Chinese translation of ‘Hominisation and humanisation: a perspective from the sociology of technics’”, Shandong Social Sciences, 2008/11 (no. 159) pp. 46-54

♦ “Transmettre et interpréter (Transmission and interpretation)”, Médium6, January-March 2006, pp. 30-47.

♦ “From phenomenology to critical theory. The genesis of Adorno’s critical theory from his reading of Husserl”, Philosophy & Social Criticism32/5, July 2006, pp. 555-572.

♦ “Anatomie van ‘n teologiese ideologie. Die Hervormde Kerk se steun aan die Apartheid Ideologie (Anatomy of a theological ideology. The Reformed Church’s support of the apartheid ideology)”. Historia51/1, May 2006, pp. 141-162.

♦ “Oor die estetika van kos en die kookkuns (On the aesthetics of food and cuisine)”, South African Journal for Philosophy25/4, 2006, pp. 290-304.

♦ “Geskiedsfilosofie as godsdiensfilosofie. ‘n Lesing van Wolfhart Pannenberg se hermeneutiek van die geskiedenis (Philosophy of history as philosophy of religion. A reading of Wolfhart Pannenberg’s hermeneutics of history)”, Acta Academica38/1, 2006, pp. 1-29.

♦ “Nadenke oor die Verligting of belydenisse van ‘n Magisterstudent (Reflections on the Enlightenment or confessions of a Masters student)”, Fragmente7, 2001, pp. 75-90.

♦ “Wanneer klop jy jou pyp op jou velskoen uit? Deel 1. Oor stories en kultuurkritiek (When do you knock out your pipe on your veldskoen? Part 1. On stories and cultural criticism)”, Hervormde Teologiese Studies56/4 November 2000, pp. 1171-1199.

♦ “Gabriel Marcel se lewe en werk as agtergrond vir sy nadering tot God, Deel 2 (Gabriel Marcel’s life and work as background to his approach to God, Part 2)”, Hervormde Teologiese Studies56/4 November 2000, pp. 1146-1170.

♦ “Gabriel Marcel se lewe en werk as agtergrond vir sy nadering tot God, Deel 1 (Gabriel Marcel’s life and work as background to his approach to God, Part 1)”, Hervormde Teologiese Studies 56/2&3 August 2000, pp. 836-848.

♦ “Sanctus Marthinus laudator philosophicus”. Fragmente 4, 1999, pp. 87-101.


♦ De l’éthique à la justice. Langage et politique dans la philosophie de Lévinas  (From ethics to justice. Language and politics in the philosophy of Levinas) Phaenomenologica 183. Dordrecht: Springer, 2007 (418pp)

♦ Political Responsibility for a Globalised World. After Levinas’ Humanism. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2011 (285pp)

♦ Shaping a Humane World – Civilizations, Axial Times, Modernities, Humanisms. Oliver Kozlarek, Jörn Rüsen & Ernst Wolff (eds.) Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012 (289pp)


♦ ”Cosmology between past and present. Human fragility, everyday life and advanced techno-science”, contribution to a Human Sciences Research Council book (produced as part of a project at the HSRC Research Use and Impact Assessment (RIA) unit on African Knowledge Production Series: Philosophers of Science in Africa), forthcoming.

♦ “Critical Theory”, in Routledge Companion to Phenomenology, Søren Overgaard & Sebastian Luft (eds.), London & New York: Routledge, 2012, pp. 540-550.

♦ “Introduction” (co-authored with Oliver Kozlarek, Jörn Rüsen), in Shaping a Humane World – Civilizations, Axial Times, Modernities, Humanisms, Oliver Kozlarek, Jörn Rüsen & Ernst Wolff (eds.), Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012, pp. 9-22.

♦ “Habitus – means – worldliness. Technics and the formation of ‘civilisations’”, in Shaping a Humane World – Civilizations, Axial Times, Modernities, Humanisms, Oliver Kozlarek, Jörn Rüsen & Ernst Wolff (eds.), Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012, pp. 25-53.

♦ “The quest for justice versus the rights of the other?”, in In Levinas' trace, Maria Dimitrova (ed.) Sofia: Avangard Prima Publishers, 2010, pp. 101-111. (Second publication with Oxford Academic Press, 2011)

♦ “Grasping the truth from where we are”, introduction to re-edition of Martin Versfeld, Our selves, Pretoria: Protea Book House, 2010, pp. 7-39.

♦ “Selfkennis en verstandigheid in ‘n tyd van politieke raserny” (Self knowledge and prudence in a time of political insanity), introduction to re-edition of Martin Versfeld, Oor gode en afgode., Pretoria: Protea Boekhuis, 2010, pp. 7-40.


♦ Levinas’ “humanism of the other human” and the condition for meaningful interaction between the self and the other across cultures.
(prepared for the “Humanism in an age of Globalisation” project at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities, Essen, Germany, 65 pages)

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