Chiara Quagliariello


Membre associéeCentre d'étude des mouvements sociaux

► Chiara Quagliariello is a social and medical anthropologist. She is currently post-doctoral fellow at the Cems where she leads a Marie-Curie funded project on maternal health crisis among black women in Europe and the US. She was trained at the University of Siena and the University of Paris VIII. She has held research and teaching positions at the University of Paris (Paris XIII, Paris VIII, Paris V and Paris I), the University of Reims, the University of Turin, the University of Milano-Bicocca, the European University Institute, the University College of London and the Max Plank Institute for Social Anthropology. Over the last 10 years, she has carried out long-term fieldworks among migrant black women in France, Italy and Senegal. Her research interests include maternal health; reproductive rights; social inequalities; reproductive injustices; racialization practices in medical encounters; gender, class and “ethnicity”; intercultural medicine and medical challenges in migrant health care.

Current position

September 2020 – ongoing

Post-doctoral fellow at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions- Individual Fellowship (H2020-MSCA-IF-2019).

Marie-Curie project: Racialization in Reproduction : maternal health crisis among black women in Europe and the US. Partners: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris (EHESS) - City University of New York (CUNY).

Previous Appointments

July 2019 – July 2020

Post-doctoral fellow at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy.

ERC-project: EU Border Care: Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands. Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Periphers.

♦ July 2017 – June 2019

Post-doctoral fellow at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France.

ANR-project HYPMEDPRO: (Over)medicalization of Childbirth as a Public Problem: Material Trajectories, Public Controversies, Institutional Changes.

Mai 2016 – June 2017

Post-doctoral fellow at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy.

ERC-project: EU Border Care : Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands. Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Periphers.

January 2016 – March 2016

Visiting Fellow at the Department of Anthropology, University College of London (UCL), London, UK, on invitation of Professor Sara Randall.

January 2014 – March 2016

Post-doctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Fundamental Rights (LDF), Collegio Carlo Alberto/ University of Turin, Italy.

Research Project: Informed Consent, Health Democracy and Social Inequalities.

June 2015 – July 2015

Visiting Fellow at the Department of Law and Anthropology, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle-Salle, Germany, on invitation of Professor Marie-Claire Foblets.


October 2009 - December 2013

International PhD in Anthropology at the University of Siena (Italy) and international PhD in Sociology and at the University Paris VIII (France).

Supervisors: Simonetta Grilli (University of Siena) and Dominique Memmi (University Paris VIII).

Thesis Title: Models of childbirth in prospect. Motherhood among Senegalese women living in the Valdelsa area (Italy). Defence: 04/12/2013. Marks: Très honorable avec felicitations du jury (with honours).

October 2011 - February 2012

Visiting PhD at the Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris (CRESSPA), CNRS, Paris, France.

January 2011 - July 2011

Visiting PhD at the Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire (IFAN), Dakar, Senegal.

October 2007 - July 2009

Master’s Degree obtained in Anthropology, at the University of Siena. Marks: 110/110 and honours. Thesis title: Between modernity and tradition. An inquiry on natural childbirth. Thesis advisor, Prof. Simonetta Grilli.

October 2008 - June 2009

Studied abroad as a part of the LLP-ERASMUS exchange program, at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France.

October 2003 - February 2007

Bachelor’s Degree obtained in Anthropology, at the University of Siena. Marks: 110/110 and honours. Thesis title: Cultures of birthing. A case study. Thesis advisor, Prof. Simonetta Grilli.

Published Work


♦ Quagliariello C., La naissance naturelle. Essai sur le grand retour à la "nature" par l’hôpital moderne (forthcoming).

♦ Quagliariello C., and Fin C., Il consenso informato in ambito medico. Un’indagine antropologica e giuridica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016, 230 p.

Edited Books

♦ Quagliariello C., and Auregan X., Local, global et nouvelles frontières, Saint-Denis, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes (« Études et travaux »), Paris, 2015, 187 p.

♦ Quagliariello C., Ferrero L. and Vargas C., Emboding borders. Migrants’ right to health, universal rights and local policies, Oxford-New York, Berghahn Books, 2021, 235 p. (forthcoming).

Refereed Journal Articles

♦ Quagliariello C., 2020, “Donner ou non la vie à Lampedusa. Histoires de migrations plurielles”, Clio, 51(“Femmes et genre en migration”),143-154.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2019, “Birth models in and between Italy and Senegal: a cross-cultural inquiry on the risks related to childbirth and birth technologies”, Health, Risk & Society, 21(3-4), 207-225.

♦ Quagliariello C. (with Grotti V., Malakasis C., Saharoui N.), 2019, “Temporalities of emergency: Migrant pregnancy and healthcare networks in Southern European borderlands”, Social Science & Medicine, 222, 11-19.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2018, “Continuum de violence et agentivité dans la migration féminine du Nigeria vers l’Europe”, Autrepart, 85, 57-74.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2018, “Beyond medical bureaucracy: an inquiry into the obstacles to abortion in a maternity ward in Italy”, Antropologica, 5(2), 120-136.

♦ Quagliariello C. (with Grotti V., Malakasis C., Saharoui N.), 2018, “Shifting Vulnerabilities: Gender and Reproductive Care on the Migrant Trail to Europe”, Comparative Migration Studies, 6 (23), 1-18.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2017, “Le temps consacré à la communication médecin-patient. Analyses socio- anthropologiques du consentement éclairé”, Politique de communication, 2(9), 63-88.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2017, “L’accouchement naturel contre l’hôpital moderne ? Une étude de cas en Italie”, Anthropologie & Santé, 15. Online: [].

♦ Quagliariello C. (with Ruault L.), 2017, “Accoucher de manière « alternative », en France et en
Italie. Sur des modalités du travail de mise au monde des enfants et leur portée féministe”, Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiques, 2, 45-64.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2017, “Le recours contemporain au lait d’ânesse. Regards croisés entre les mères, les pédiatres et les éleveurs”, Anthropozoologica, 52(1), 121-130.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2017, “Ces hommes qui accouchent avec nous. La pratique de l’accouchement naturel au l’aune du genre”, Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 36(1), 82-97.

♦ Quagliariello C., “Retoriche del tempo che manca. Riflessioni socio-antropologiche sulla pratica del consenso informato”, Rivista di Antropologia Pubblica (ISSN 2421-4647), vol. 2 (1), 2016, p. 1-18.

♦ Quagliariello C., “L'evento parto tra tradizione ed innovazione”, Rivista di Storia della Medicina, Anno XX NS (XLI), no 1-2, 2010, p. 99- 112.

Refereed Book Chapters

♦ Quagliariello C., “Women, migration and health: an inquiry on gender-based violence and the limits of maternity care services in Southern European Borderlands”, Ferrero L., Quagliariello C., Vargas C. (dir.), Emboding borders. Migrants’ right to health, universal rights and local policies, Oxford-New York, Berghahn Books (forthcoming).

♦ Quagliariello C., 2018, “Le grand retour de la nature dans l’expérience d’enfantement”, Voléry I., Balard F. (dir.), La médicalisation des âges en France, Nancy, Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, p. 50-70.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2018, “Rethinking social norms. Women's right to choose and contraception use in Senegal”, Foblets M.C. (dir.), (Not) outside my culture. The paradoxes of personal autonomy in a plural society, London, Routledge, p. 255-263.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2018, “Rappresentazioni e pratiche della gravidanza e del parto tra le donne della comunità senegalese dell’Alta Val d’Elsa (« Représentations et pratiques de la grossesse et de l’accouchement chez les sénégalaises immigrées en Val d’Elsa »)”, Giuffré M. (dir.), Maternità
, Pisa, Pacini Editore, p. 161-190.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2017, (with Grotti V., Malakasis C., Saharoui N., Vargas D.), “Pregnant Crossings: A Political Economy of Care on Europe’s External Borders”, Shekhawat S., Aurobinda D. (dir.), Women and Borders. Refugees, Migrants and Communities, London, I.B. Tauris, p. 63-85.

♦ Quagliariello C., (with Cardi C.), 2016, “Le corps maternel“, in Encyclopédie du Genre, Paris, La Découverte, p. 170-182.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2015, “Quand la tradition se confronte à la modernité. Regards socio-anthropologiques sur le programme de santé publique Bajenu Gox (Sénégal)”, in Quagliariello C. and Auregean X. (eds), Local, global et nouvelles frontières, Saint-Denis, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, , p. 85-99.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2014, “Dal Senegal migrare in Valdelsa. Modelli della nascita a confronto (“Du Sénégal à l'Italie. Modèes de naissance en conflit”)”, in Colombo A. (eds), Stranieri in Italia. Figli, lavoro, vita quotidiana, Bologna, Il Mulino, p. 117-149.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2013, “La nascita naturale. Etnografia delle pratiche del corpo in un reparto di maternità“, in Grilli S. (eds), Per-formare corpi. Esperienze e rappresentazioni, Milano, Unicopli Editore, p. 109-152.

Other publications

♦ Quagliariello C., 2013, Searching for legality, Asymmetrical bodily opportunities, in Transnational Lives, Mobility and Gender, Network e-Working Paper Series (ISSN 2182-5718), no 4, p. 1-16.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2011, Prevenire è meglio che curare? Prevenire è meglio per curare. L'alternativa del parto naturale, Dossier Filosofia, Medicina, Prevenzione, Diogene Magazine, no 5, décembre 2010-février 2011, p. 30-34.

♦ Quagliariello C., 2010, L'evento parto tra tradizione ed innovazione, Rivista di Storia della
, 1-2, 99- 112.

Teaching Experience

October 2019 – August 2020
a) Convenor: Graduate course “Anthropology of Migrations”, University of Milano-Bicocca (charged of 56 hours)

♦ October 2018 – August 2019
a) Convenor: Undergraduate course “Medical Anthropology”, University Paris XIII (charged of 48 hours)

♦ October 2017 – August 2018
a) Convenor: Undergraduate course “Sociology of Health”, University Paris XIII (charged of 48 hours)

October 2015 – April 2016

a) Convenor: Graduate course “Medical Anthropology”, within the Faculty of Anthropology and Ethnology, University of Paris V, France (charged of 24 hours).

b) Convenor: Graduate course “Ethnographic Methods”, within the Faculty of Anthropology and Ethnology, University of Paris V, France (charged of 24 hours).

c) Convenor: Undergraduate course “Sociology of Health”, within the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Paris VIII, France (charged of 39 hours).

d) Convenor: Undergraduate course “Sociology”, within the Faculty of Social Sciences, University Paris I, France (charged of 24 hours).

From October 2012 to July 2014, convenor within the Faculty of Social and Health Sciences, University of Reims, France. I have taught 4 courses every year (192 hours). Courses: 1) Medical Anthropology; 2) Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; 3) Social Anthropology; 4) Qualitative Research Methods.

In addition to these experiences, since 2012, I have been giving lectures in medical anthropology at the EHESS (École des hautes études en sciences sociales) in Paris and I have been teaching medical anthropology / sociology of health courses in Institutes specialized in the training of social workers and health professionals working with migrants in Paris.

Since 2010, I attended more than 35 international conferences and invited talks and lectures in Italy, France, Switzerland, Canada and UK

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